miércoles, 10 de febrero de 2021

VIDEO: Cyberpunk 2077 | Aggressive Cyberpunk / Industrial / Dark Techno Mix


00:00​ | Max Brhon - The Future

03:44​ | SWARM - This is The End

08:10​ | Infraction - The Riot

10:01​ | Infraction - Almost Evil

14:08​ | F.O.O.L - Revenger

17:51​ | Revizia - Assault

21:53​ | Hatred - Trauma

27:03​ | One True God x Tzafu - Afraid Of The Darkness

30:08​ | Varien - One Shot, One Kill

33:25​ | Aim To Head - Break Down

36:36​ | Rob De Large - Cyberpunk 2077

41:46​ | Infraction - Devil In a Red Dress  

🚦 ROJO EN BC: Gracias por seguirnos y compartir
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